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Manager::integrate VS. Manager::doIntegration

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:13 pm
by porsasina
Hi everybody;
I was wondering what is the difference between these two methods:

bool integrate (SimTK::State &s, double dtFirst=1.0e-6)
bool doIntegration (SimTK::State &s, int step, double dtFirst)

it seems that they have the same output results.
I was also wondering what is the second input in the "doIntegration" method (int step)? It seems that the output result is not a function of this input!!


Re: Manager::integrate VS. Manager::doIntegration

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:52 am
by aymanh
Hi Sina,

The integrate() method is a higher level interface that ends up calling doIntegration() after setting the start time in the state. The parameter step is not used for integration but for reporting only (to be used by analyses).

Hope this helps,