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Force subclasses not available through Matlab API

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:21 am
by romleberre
I want to add some contact forces to my model through OpenSim API in Matlab.
However, it seems that some child classes of Force (e.g. BushingForce, ElasticFoundationForce, HuntCrossleyForce) are not imported with the modeling module (import org.opensim.modeling.*).
Any idea about how to add this kind of forces through Matlab?
Thank you,


Re: Force subclasses not available through Matlab API

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:48 pm
by aymanh
Hi Romain,

It is true that version 3.0 didn't have all modeling components exposed to the Matlab interface. We fixed that in release 3.0.1 which will be available in beta version very shortly, please sign up for the beta testing mailing list and you'll be informed when the beta release is posted, so stay tuned.

Best regards,

Re: Force subclasses not available through Matlab API

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:41 am
by romleberre
Hi Ayman,
Indeed, in the release 3.0.1, contact force classes such as ElasticFoundationForce and HuntCrossleyForce are exposed to the Matlab interface. However, ContactParameters objects are defined in SWIG type so i cannot manage to tune these properties from Matlab. Do you know how could I figure out this issue?