I am using a model which uses wrapping cylinders for some of the muscles. I am using this model to solve a dynamic optimization problem and I have two problems. First, let's have a look at my algorithem:
- Load the Osim File
- for i=1:1000
--- create a random muscle excitation pattern for each muscle.
--- create a muscle controller based on excitation pattern and add it to the model.
--- perform Forward Dynamics and save the results
--- remove the controller
- end
1st problem: If I use a model which does not have any wrapping cylinders, everything works, but when I use a model with wrapping cylinders, FD returns this error: "Unknown exception".
2nd problem: To increase the speed, I prefer to run the for loop in parallel. Again, I will not have any problems if I use the model without wrapping objects. But when I use the model with wrapping surfaces, it leads to huge increase in memory usage (see the attached JPEG file) which usually ends with this error: "bad allocation" Thanks.
P.S: Here is the code that I am using:
Code: Select all
#include <OpenSim/OpenSim.h>
#include <OpenSim/Common/PiecewiseConstantFunction.h>
#include <omp.h>
using namespace OpenSim;
using namespace SimTK;
using namespace std;
const int NO_OF_SIMULATIONS = 32;
const int NO_OF_MUSCLES = 42;
const double FINAL_TIME = 0.5;
Model OsimModel_00 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_01 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_02 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_03 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_04 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_05 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_06 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_07 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_08 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_09 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_10 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_11 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_12 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_13 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_14 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
Model OsimModel_15 ("Wrapping_Included.osim");
/*Model OsimModel_00 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_01 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_02 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_03 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_04 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_05 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_06 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_07 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_08 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_09 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_10 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_11 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_12 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_13 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_14 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");
Model OsimModel_15 ("Wrapping_Excluded.osim");*/
double calcCost(const double excVec[], Model & OsimModel) {
double cost;
PrescribedController *muscleController= new PrescribedController();
double Time [2] = {0.0, FINAL_TIME};
double dummyExct [2];
for (int muscleIndex=0; muscleIndex<NO_OF_MUSCLES; muscleIndex++){
for (int col=0; col<2; col++){
dummyExct[col] = excVec[muscleIndex];}
muscleController->prescribeControlForActuator(muscleIndex, new PiecewiseConstantFunction(2, Time, dummyExct));}
OsimModel.addController(muscleController); //Add the controller
SimTK::State& system = OsimModel.initSystem(); // Initialize the system and get the default state
// Define non-zero (defaults are 0) states for the free joint
CoordinateSet& modelCoordinateSet = OsimModel.updCoordinateSet();
modelCoordinateSet[2].setValue(system,1.0); //pelvis y
SimTK::RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integrator(OsimModel.getMultibodySystem()); // Create the integrator
Manager manager(OsimModel, integrator); // Create the manager
manager.integrate(system); // Integrate from initial time to final time
cost = 10.0;
catch (OpenSim::Exception ex){
std::cout << ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
return 1;}
catch (std::exception ex){
std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;}
catch (...){
std::cout << "UNRECOGNIZED EXCEPTION" << std::endl;
return 1;}
cout << "DONE\n";
double objectiveFunc(const double excMatrix[][NO_OF_MUSCLES],int whichRow) {
double cost;
double muscleExcitations [NO_OF_MUSCLES];
for (int i=0; i<NO_OF_MUSCLES;i++){
muscleExcitations [i] = excMatrix[whichRow][i];}
if (omp_get_thread_num()==0)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_00);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==1)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_01);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==2)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_02);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==3)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_03);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==4)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_04);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==5)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_05);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==6)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_06);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==7)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_07);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==8)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_08);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==9)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_09);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==10)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_10);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==11)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_11);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==12)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_12);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==13)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_13);
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==14)
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_14);
cost = calcCost(muscleExcitations, OsimModel_15);
return cost;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
cout << "========\n========\n========\n\n\n";
unsigned int seed = 0;
for(int ii=1; ii<argc; ii++) {
if(strcmp(argv[ii++],"seed") == 0) {
seed = atoi(argv[ii]);}}
double excitation[NO_OF_SIMULATIONS][NO_OF_MUSCLES];
for (int row=0; row<NO_OF_SIMULATIONS; row++){
for (int col =0; col<NO_OF_MUSCLES; col++){
excitation[row][col]= (rand()%100)/100.0;}}
double COST;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(16)
for (int i=0; i<NO_OF_SIMULATIONS; i++){
COST = objectiveFunc(excitation,i);
return 0;