Scale a Model with a Script
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 2:33 am
I'm rather new in this topic and i have a beginners question.
I have to scale a Model without using the GUI of OpenSIm. I want to do to it with a script in MATLAB. With the Gaittoolbox I generate a StaticScale_Setup.xml file with data from a c3d.file.
I found a opperuntiy to do it with the command line. but i get a errorw masssage
"failure reading object from file [MeasurementSetFile] cwd =C:\OpenSim 3.0\VERSUC
HE\V15_Parse_c3dError:SimTK Exception thrown at Xml.cpp:70:
Error detected by Simbody method Xml::readFromFile(): Failed to load the Xml f
ile 'MeasurementSetFile' with error 'Failed to open file (line=0, col=0)'.
(Required condition 'loadOK' was not met.)"
but if I use the Scale_Setup file in OpenSim with the ScalingTool it works!
i would be very gradful if someone can help me. maybe to fix the errow massage or with another way to solve my problem.
best regards
I'm rather new in this topic and i have a beginners question.
I have to scale a Model without using the GUI of OpenSIm. I want to do to it with a script in MATLAB. With the Gaittoolbox I generate a StaticScale_Setup.xml file with data from a c3d.file.
I found a opperuntiy to do it with the command line. but i get a errorw masssage
"failure reading object from file [MeasurementSetFile] cwd =C:\OpenSim 3.0\VERSUC
HE\V15_Parse_c3dError:SimTK Exception thrown at Xml.cpp:70:
Error detected by Simbody method Xml::readFromFile(): Failed to load the Xml f
ile 'MeasurementSetFile' with error 'Failed to open file (line=0, col=0)'.
(Required condition 'loadOK' was not met.)"
but if I use the Scale_Setup file in OpenSim with the ScalingTool it works!
i would be very gradful if someone can help me. maybe to fix the errow massage or with another way to solve my problem.
best regards