Import a 3D dummy model for accurate Point Kinematics

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Giulia Lisco
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri May 17, 2013 2:08 am

Import a 3D dummy model for accurate Point Kinematics

Post by Giulia Lisco » Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:33 am

Good morning,
I'd like to use the Point Kinematics tool in the best accurate way, in order to use these data for further computations in Matlab.

Is there the possibility to import a dummy model (i.e of the lower limb), in order to properly know the position of additional points for then performing the Point Kinematics?
I mean, is possible to define the X,Y,Z coordinates of an additional marker, i.e on the shank, according to the real 3D geometry of the shank link to try to obtain the position of a marker directly on the skin?

Thank you.