I am trying to run Inverse Kinematics Tool in OpenSim 3.1.0 but I encounter some problems.
First of all it does not auto fill the weighting section when loading the setup file.
IK doesn't run without because then I get the following in the message window:
Code: Select all
Loaded model subject01 from file C:\Users\Erik Dijkstra\Documents\OpenSim\ModelFiles_2013\subject01_gait2354_scaled.osim
reading object from file [subject01_IK_Tasks.xml] cwd =C:\OpenSim 3.1.0
failure reading object from file [subject01_IK_Tasks.xml] cwd =C:\OpenSim 3.1.0Error:SimTK Exception thrown at Xml.cpp:72:
Error detected by Simbody method Xml::readFromFile(): Failed to load the Xml file 'subject01_IK_Tasks.xml' with error 'Failed to open file (line=0, col=0)'.
(Required condition 'loadOK' was not met.)
Loaded marker file C:\Users\Erik Dijkstra\Documents\OpenSim\ModelFiles_2013\Viktor_gait.trc (155 markers, 121 frames)
MODEL: subject01
coordinates: 23
forces: 54
actuators: 54
muscles: 54
analyses: 2
probes: 0
bodies: 13
joints: 12
constraints: 0
markers: 27
controllers: 0
contact geometries: 0
misc modelcomponents: 0
Running tool subject01.
Loaded marker file C:\Users\Erik Dijkstra\Documents\OpenSim\ModelFiles_2013\Viktor_gait.trc (155 markers, 121 frames)
InverseKinematicsTool Failed: AssemblySolver::assemble() Failed: SimTK Exception thrown at Assembler.cpp:842:
Method Assembler::assemble() failed because:
Optimizer failed with message: SimTK Exception thrown at Assembler.cpp:225:
Error detected by Simbody method AssemblerSystem::objectiveFunc(): calcGoal() method of assembly condition Markers returned a negative or non-finite value -1.#IND.
(Required condition 'goalValue >= 0' was not met.)
Assembly error tolerance achieved: 0 required: 1e-006.
I hope someone can help
Best regards,