Static Optimization actuator error

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Lauren Ferris
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:09 pm

Static Optimization actuator error

Post by Lauren Ferris » Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:02 am

Hi OpenSim Team!

I am currently working on a button pushing task where the subjects perform 2 tasks, a High to Low (H2L) and Low to High (L2H). In the H2L task the subject pushes a button next to their shoulder then squats down and presses a button beside the opposite knee. The L2H is similar but they start at the knee button and cross over to the shoulder one. I have ran the static optimization for all my subjects and then went to look at the muscle forces. I soon realized that regardless if the subject did a H2L or L2H the forces were giving me very similar values and trends. I would expect for the forces/values to be opposite from H2L and L2H but they are the same. I ran all my data on a 2932 model and then ran an Arnold model to see what would happen. I still had the same trends and values. The only thing I can think of now is that my actuators are potentially driving my model incorrectly? Any suggestions?