C++ code excisting models

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Laura Peeters
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Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:12 am

C++ code excisting models

Post by Laura Peeters » Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:13 am


I would like to make a simplified canine knee model with the use of OpenSim. I've some programming skills, but I have never programmed in C++. So I would like to use a existing model (for example BothLeg, SeperateLeg or Leg6Dof9Musc) as a starting point. Does anyone know how I can get the source files (.cpp) which I can use as an example?
Or is it also possible to make an xml file and build a .osim model from there?

I hope someone can help me :)


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Ilan Eskinazi
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Re: C++ code excisting models

Post by Ilan Eskinazi » Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:31 pm

You can simply edit an existing model by changing the xml (.osim) directly.