Experimental Data from Kinect IK
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:10 am
I am using Microsoft Kinect for tracking skeleton movements. I generated .trc motion file to use for IK. I have 9 markers (pelvis, hip, knee, ankle, toes)/leg for lower limb and I modified the gait2354_simbody.osim from the examples to fit my markers. When I run the my program I got this error from inverse kinematics.
Loaded marker file motion.trc (9 markers, 312 frames)
InverseKinematicsTool Failed: AssemblySolver::assemble() Failed: SimTK Exception thrown at Assembler.cpp:842:
Method Assembler::assemble() failed because:
Optimizer failed with message: SimTK Exception thrown at Assembler.cpp:225:
Error detected by Simbody method AssemblerSystem::objectiveFunc(): calcGoal() method of assembly condition Markers returned a negative or non-finite value -1.#IND.
(Required condition 'goalValue >= 0' was not met.)
Assembly error tolerance achieved: 0 required: 0.01.
InverseKinematicsTool Failed, please see messages window for details...
I checked the opensim documentation I found that in order to find a solution you need 3 markers for 6DOF joint. My question is if there is a way to perform the IK with just 9 markers?
Loaded marker file motion.trc (9 markers, 312 frames)
InverseKinematicsTool Failed: AssemblySolver::assemble() Failed: SimTK Exception thrown at Assembler.cpp:842:
Method Assembler::assemble() failed because:
Optimizer failed with message: SimTK Exception thrown at Assembler.cpp:225:
Error detected by Simbody method AssemblerSystem::objectiveFunc(): calcGoal() method of assembly condition Markers returned a negative or non-finite value -1.#IND.
(Required condition 'goalValue >= 0' was not met.)
Assembly error tolerance achieved: 0 required: 0.01.
InverseKinematicsTool Failed, please see messages window for details...
I checked the opensim documentation I found that in order to find a solution you need 3 markers for 6DOF joint. My question is if there is a way to perform the IK with just 9 markers?