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Center of pressure data

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:45 am
by derya
Dear Opensim users,

I’m trying to develop an animal musculoskeletal model in Opensim. I want to use the static optimization tool to calculate the individual muscle forces. I have completed Scaling and Inverse Kinematics processes. But, I have encountered some problems in the static optimization process and if you could please make comments on the following questions, I would greatly appreciate it.

I don’t have the center of pressure (the point at which the ground reaction force is applied to the foot) data that used in “subject01_walk1_grf.mot” file. Do you have any recommendation on how to compensate this data deficiency? Or is it possible to calculate this data by hand? If it is possible how can I do this?

Thanks for your suggestion in advance,

Best regards,

Re: Center of pressure data

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:00 am
by jimmy
Hi Derya,

What experimental force data do you have? 3d forces and moments?


Re: Center of pressure data

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:46 am
by derya
Dear James,

We have i) directly measured 3D ground reaction force (GRF) data and ii) joint moments data that was calculated using GRF and joint kinematics obtained though gait analysis.

Best regards,