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Modifying an existing model - delete joints, add new markers

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 2:48 pm
by ransopher

I am very new to OpenSim so my question is quite ignorant.

I have an OpenSim musculoskeletal model of the whole leg (previous research conducted in my group). I also have Vicon data acquired for the lower leg (emphasis on foot/ankle) only. I wish to modify the OpenSim model I have so to remove the bones and joints I am not interested in (e.g. the hip), remove the markers from the segments I am not interested in, and re-position markers according to my Vicon data (more markers on the foot and ankle). I understand that it would be a long process, but first I wish to ask - is that possible at all?

Kindest regards,

Re: Modifying an existing model - delete joints, add new mar

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:18 am
by ex10192
Hi ,

Yes, its definitely possible to modify the model. Removing markers/editing can be done through the GUI or directly in the .xml file. Editing .xml files using notepad++ might be convenient. You can certainly edit the joints and also include or remove necessary geometry files like bones. I found editing the .xml file - ok , once I started to understand the general structure of the file. So, go for it.

All the best,


Re: Modifying an existing model - delete joints, add new mar

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:19 am
by cristinav
I'm interesting too to change number- name of the markers.
a short question :is the same if I change markers on Property editor and navigator windows? or I must change them on .xml file?
and sorry for maybe a stupid question,but I can write the location of the new markers? it came from my data?