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OpenSim 3.2 API for Mac

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:54 pm
by wmalik
Is it possible to get the Mac OSX build of the OpenSim 3.2 API? I can only find either the Windows installers or the source code on the Downloads page. I only want to use the API with Matlab/Python scripting, no GUI. Thanks.

Re: OpenSim 3.2 API for Mac

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:03 am
by jimmy
Hi Wasim,

Before source releases were available, we published API versions for MAC and linux but there was very little demand for them. Currently, you will have to build from source for these platforms.

Our apologies if that wasn't clearly documented.

You can build the API from source and use the libraries through matlab/python. Instructions for building from source can be found here; ... rom+Source


Re: OpenSim 3.2 API for Mac

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:11 pm
by saxbyd
Hi Guys,

I'm working with a collaborator who uses a Mac (why I'm not sure :)). Have you guys had success building from source, and then successfully calling the API via Mac Matlab?

Just curious how much effort is involved in getting this operational.



Re: OpenSim 3.2 API for Mac

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:32 am
by aymanh
Hi David,

Building the wrappers on Mac wouldn't be a problem, as we've done in the past. We haven't tried loading the wrappers in a native installation of Matlab on Mac. The latter step has quite a few unknowns due to the number of players involved (Matlab, Java, C++ compilers, runtime environment).

If your collaborator is an experienced Mac user and wants to try it, I can help with troubleshooting otherwise it'd be easier (and a more travelled) route to install a Windows environment.

Hope this helps,