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CSV files to TRC

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:45 pm
by amouyal
Hello everyone :)

I am a master student and want to use openSIM for one of my project.I already used OpenSIM with C3D files.
However , in this project we used the Kinect for capturing motion of the human body. I did not use the kinect, it is an other member of the team. He just gave me csv files (static and dynamic), And I would like to perform scaling and Inverse kinematic. Is it possible? How to generate the setup file (xml)? Do I have to create it manually?
How to convert a csv file to trc file ?

Thank you for your help :)


Re: CSV files to TRC

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:02 pm
by sajjadbagherian
if you could send me one of your c3d file i would check.

Re: CSV files to TRC

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:43 pm
by amouyal
Actually , we used Kinect for motion capture so I don't have C3D, I have only *.csv files, with all the coordinates of the markers.


Re: CSV files to TRC

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:27 pm
by okvsh
Hello Yann,

Did you try to convert .csv to .trc manually? Compared with converting kinetic data to a .mot file, marker trajectories would be easier to manipulate. If you do this kind of work many times. writing a script (e.g. MATLAB) for converting files can be considered. You might find Lee-son toolbox useful, though you might have to edit your .csv file appropriately to use this.

Best regards,

Re: CSV files to TRC

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 5:24 pm
by arashopensim

Re: CSV files to TRC

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:03 pm
by mritula
I am having the same issue. My data is from kinect in 3D in .csv format and I want to convert it to .trc format. Can someone suggest me how to do it?


Re: CSV files to TRC

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:41 am
by mitkof6
The definition of the .trc file format can be found here ... c%29+Files

You can write an exporter that will convert csv files to trc.

Re: CSV files to TRC

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:57 pm
by kernalnet
I would like to know how to create csv files by kinect?
There are some software like brekel to generate the dxf files of motion, this format could be easily converted to c3d format by motion builder or blender software.
There is also a free software names kinect animation studio that could generate c3d directly after skeletal tracking.
But the main problem is that the kinect calculate the joints centre and you can not use them because they are not markers location, there arevnot any tracking markers in kinect and also the number of markers in the opensim model is much more than kinect. The best way of calculating the joint angles of kinect data is to use Mokka software. Easily select three joint and calculate the angle. If I am wrong, please share the knowledge.

Re: CSV files to TRC

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 3:07 pm
by tkuchida
the kinect calculate the joints centre and you can not use them because they are not markers location
You can change the number and location of markers in an OpenSim model. If you want to track joint center locations, you can simply place markers there.