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Run OpenSim GUI at Linux

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:39 am
by mariakrgrg
Hello there,
I would like to ask how I could run OpenSim.exe at Linux.

I have already installed it and run it with Wine and seems to kind of work but not totally.
For example, when I load an .osim model of lower limb I can see all the muscles but no bones.

Any help?


Re: Run OpenSim GUI at Linux

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:15 am
by aymanh
Hi Maria,

The OpenSim GUI is not supported on linux, we don't make linux distributions of the GUI. UsiM or Wine are very good options that have been used by many users.

As to why you don't see bones, it's likely due to not having "OPENSIM_HOME" environment variable set (usually set by the installer to point to the top level install directory of OpenSim) or something wrong with the "GeometryPath" used by the GUI to locate bone files (located under Edit/Preferences).

Hope this helps,