How to add prescribed force
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 2:05 pm
How do I add a prescribed torque to a model?
I know the function of time I want.
I know the bodies to apply the force to.
I see the xml code for <PrescribedForce>,
I see a place for <FunctionSet name="torqueFunctions">,
but how do I enter the time-torque pairs?
I found the Doxygen documentation, but I do not know how to proceed.
I should be able to do this without programming in c++.
I have dug through tutorials and the forum and I cant find anything.
How do I add a prescribed torque to a model?
I know the function of time I want.
I know the bodies to apply the force to.
I see the xml code for <PrescribedForce>,
I see a place for <FunctionSet name="torqueFunctions">,
but how do I enter the time-torque pairs?
I found the Doxygen documentation, but I do not know how to proceed.
I should be able to do this without programming in c++.
I have dug through tutorials and the forum and I cant find anything.