Making a custom Tool plugin

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Marc Carmichael
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Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:50 am

Making a custom Tool plugin

Post by Marc Carmichael » Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:58 pm

Hey all. I am trying to make a custom plugin Tool similar to the scale tool. I have followed the guides on making a custom Analysis plugin, but have struggled to do the same for a custom tool.

Firstly, I am trying to create the tool plugin such that it can be run via the GUI. It this possible?

Secondly, I feel like I am close to getting it to compile but keep getting linker errors, which I think are due to something either missing or incorrect in the CMakeLists.txt I am using (it is a modified version of the Analysis template). Would anyone be able to provide a CMakeLists.txt template that should work for creating a Tool plugin?



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Marc Carmichael
Posts: 45
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:50 am

Re: Making a custom Tool plugin

Post by Marc Carmichael » Mon Sep 28, 2015 2:01 am

I actually just got my Tool to compile and it can be loaded from the OpenSim gui (it calls the constructor, then deconstructor, and says was loaded).

Is there a way to call the Tool's run() function from the gui, parsing in the current model file?