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Format for .mot file for marker motion

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:17 am
by malavika

I am trying to define a motion to my markers for static optimisation or maybe later CMC
however my .mot file wont load and there seems to be a problem with the header
I cannot find the problem, what should be the format for defining the marker coordinates?
also I have 3 markers but need to define motion for just one, is this possible or i have to for all 3 (or remove 2 markers)
  • arm26 marker.mot
    datacolums 4
    datarows 120
    range 0 1
    Time r_humerus_epicondyle_x r_humerus_epicondyle_y r_humerus_epicondyle_z

    0 -12.55937962 -297.4143796 199.9856204
    0.008333333 -12.75937962 -297.4223243 199.9776757
    0.016666667 -12.95937962 -297.4293942 199.9706058
    0.025 -13.15937962 -297.4353121 199.9646879
    0.033333333 -13.35937962 -297.4398462 199.9601538
    0.041666667 -13.55937962 -297.4428188 199.9571812
    0.05 -13.75937962 -297.4441134 199.9558866
    0.058333333 -13.95937962 -297.4436792 199.9563208
    0.066666667 -14.15937962 -297.4415333 199.9584667
    0.075 -14.35937962 -297.4377597 199.9622403
    0.083333333 -14.55937962 -297.4325064 199.9674936
    0.091666667 -14.75937962 -297.4259792 199.9740208
    0.1 -14.95937962 -297.418434 199.981566
    0.108333333 -15.15937962 -297.4101663 199.9898337
    0.116666667 -15.35937962 -297.4015002 199.9984998
    0.125 -15.55937962 -297.3927754 200.0072246
    0.133333333 -15.75937962 -297.3843336 200.0156664
    0.141666667 -15.95937962 -297.3765058 200.0234942
    0.15 -16.15937962 -297.3695987 200.0304013
    0.158333333 -16.35937962 -297.363883 200.036117
    0.166666667 -16.55937962 -297.3595827 200.0404173
    0.175 -16.75937962 -297.3568662 200.0431338
    0.183333333 -16.95937962 -297.3558402 200.0441598
    0.191666667 -17.15937962 -297.3565447 200.0434553
    0.2 -17.35937962 -297.3589521 200.0410479
    0.208333333 -17.55937962 -297.3629682 200.0370318
    0.216666667 -17.75937962 -297.3684355 200.0315645
    0.225 -17.95937962 -297.3751397 200.0248603
    0.233333333 -18.15937962 -297.3828182 200.0171818
    0.241666667 -18.35937962 -297.3911701 200.0088299
    0.25 -18.55937962 -297.3998679 200.0001321
    0.258333333 -18.75937962 -297.408571 199.991429
    0.266666667 -18.95937962 -297.4169381 199.9830619
    0.275 -19.15937962 -297.4246415 199.9753585
    0.283333333 -19.35937962 -297.4313792 199.9686208
    0.291666667 -19.55937962 -297.4368872 199.9631128
    0.3 -19.75937962 -297.4409497 199.9590503
    0.308333333 -19.95937962 -297.4434073 199.9565927
    0.316666667 -20.15937962 -297.4441639 199.9558361
    0.325 -20.35937962 -297.4431898 199.9568102
    0.333333333 -20.55937962 -297.4405231 199.9594769
    0.341666667 -20.75937962 -297.4362684 199.9637316
    0.35 -20.95937962 -297.4305924 199.9694076
    0.358333333 -21.15937962 -297.4237174 199.9762826
    0.366666667 -21.35937962 -297.4159131 199.9840869
    0.375 -21.55937962 -297.4074851 199.9925149
    0.383333333 -21.75937962 -297.3987638 200.0012362
    0.391666667 -21.95937962 -297.3900909 200.0099091
    0.4 -22.15937962 -297.3818064 200.0181936
    0.408333333 -22.35937962 -297.3742348 200.0257652
    0.416666667 -22.55937962 -297.367673 200.032327
    0.425 -22.75937962 -297.362378 200.037622
    0.433333333 -22.95937962 -297.3585573 200.0414427
    0.441666667 -23.15937962 -297.3563608 200.0436392
    0.45 -23.35937962 -297.3558744 200.0441256
    0.458333333 -23.55937962 -297.3571172 200.0428828
    0.466666667 -23.75937962 -297.3600406 200.0399594
    0.475 -23.95937962 -297.3645299 200.0354701
    0.483333333 -24.15937962 -297.3704092 200.0295908
    0.491666667 -24.35937962 -297.3774482 200.0225518
    0.5 -24.55937962 -297.3853709 200.0146291
    0.508333333 -24.75937962 -297.3938669 200.0061331
    0.516666667 -24.95937962 -297.4026033 199.9973967
    0.525 -25.15937962 -297.4112377 199.9887623
    0.533333333 -25.35937962 -297.4194316 199.9805684
    0.541666667 -25.55937962 -297.4268641 199.9731359
    0.55 -25.75937962 -297.4332438 199.9667562
    0.558333333 -25.95937962 -297.4383207 199.9616793
    0.566666667 -26.15937962 -297.4418959 199.9581041
    0.575 -26.35937962 -297.4438292 199.9561708
    0.583333333 -26.55937962 -297.444045 199.955955
    0.591666667 -26.75937962 -297.4425346 199.9574654
    0.6 -26.95937962 -297.4393574 199.9606426
    0.608333333 -27.15937962 -297.4346378 199.9653622
    0.616666667 -27.35937962 -297.4285609 199.9714391
    0.625 -27.55937962 -297.4213646 199.9786354
    0.633333333 -27.75937962 -297.4133311 199.9866689
    0.641666667 -27.95937962 -297.4047752 199.9952248
    0.65 -28.15937962 -297.3960321 200.0039679
    0.658333333 -28.35937962 -297.3874445 200.0125555
    0.666666667 -28.55937962 -297.379349 200.020651
    0.675 -28.75937962 -297.3720628 200.0279372
    0.683333333 -28.95937962 -297.3658713 200.0341287
    0.691666667 -29.15937962 -297.3610174 200.0389826
    0.7 -29.35937962 -297.3576911 200.0423089
    0.708333333 -29.55937962 -297.3560228 200.0439772
    0.716666667 -29.75937962 -297.356078 200.043922
    0.725 -29.95937962 -297.3578544 200.0421456
    0.733333333 -30.15937962 -297.3612824 200.0387176
    0.741666667 -30.35937962 -297.3662277 200.0337723
    0.75 -30.55937962 -297.3724965 200.0275035
    0.758333333 -30.75937962 -297.3798432 200.0201568
    0.766666667 -30.95937962 -297.3879797 200.0120203
    0.775 -31.15937962 -297.3965873 200.0034127
    0.783333333 -31.35937962 -297.4053287 199.9946713
    0.791666667 -31.55937962 -297.4138612 199.9861388
    0.8 -31.75937962 -297.4218505 199.9781495
    0.808333333 -31.95937962 -297.4289836 199.9710164
    0.816666667 -32.15937962 -297.4349808 199.9650192
    0.825 -32.35937962 -297.4396071 199.9603929
    0.833333333 -32.55937962 -297.4426813 199.9573187
    0.841666667 -32.75937962 -297.4440829 199.9559171
    0.85 -32.95937962 -297.4437569 199.9562431
    0.858333333 -33.15937962 -297.4417162 199.9582838
    0.866666667 -33.35937962 -297.4380406 199.9619594
    0.875 -33.55937962 -297.4328743 199.9671257
    0.883333333 -33.75937962 -297.4264197 199.9735803
    0.891666667 -33.95937962 -297.4189297 199.9810703
    0.9 -34.15937962 -297.4106979 199.9893021
    0.908333333 -34.35937962 -297.4020469 199.9979531
    0.916666667 -34.55937962 -297.3933157 200.0066843
    0.925 -34.75937962 -297.3848463 200.0151537
    0.933333333 -34.95937962 -297.3769709 200.0230291
    0.941666667 -35.15937962 -297.3699979 200.0300021
    0.95 -35.35937962 -297.3642007 200.0357993
    0.958333333 -35.55937962 -297.3598064 200.0401936
    0.966666667 -35.75937962 -297.3569872 200.0430128
    0.975 -35.95937962 -297.3558537 200.0441463
    0.983333333 -36.15937962 -297.3564501 200.0435499
    0.991666667 -36.35937962 -297.3587533 200.0412467
    1 -36.55937962 -297.3626728 200.0373272
Thanks in advance

Re: Format for .mot file for marker motion

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:00 am
by mitkof6

This is not a motion file nor a marker (.trc) file.

Code: Select all

PathFileType	4	(X/Y/Z)	arm26_elbow_flex.trc							
DataRate	CameraRate	NumFrames	NumMarkers	Units	OrigDataRate	OrigDataStartFrame	OrigNumFrames			
120	120	121	3	mm	120	1	121			
Frame#	Time	r_acromion			r_humerus_epicondyle			r_radius_styloid		
		X1	Y1	Z1	X2	Y2	Z2	X3	Y3	Z3
1	0	-13.05452443	39.50547557	169.5054756	-12.55937962	-297.4143796	199.9856204	-13.12468341	-533.5696827	251.4203173
2	0.008333333	-12.96064763	39.59935237	169.5993524	-12.56732433	-297.4223243	199.9776757	-12.86702479	-533.6003803	251.3825496
3	0.016666667	-12.85342531	39.70657469	169.7065747	-12.57439418	-297.4293942	199.9706058	-12.58261002	-533.6298174	251.345015
4	0.025	-12.73642902	39.82357098	169.823571	-12.58031211	-297.4353121	199.9646879	-12.24699837	-533.6583339	251.3065762
5	0.033333333	-12.6135559	39.9464441	169.9464441	-12.58484621	-297.4398462	199.9601538	-11.83747124	-533.6860727	251.2661701
6	0.041666667	-12.48889884	40.07110116	170.0711012	-12.58781879	-297.4428188	199.9571812	-11.33375263	-533.7129239	251.2228408
You probably have the trajectory of your marker data. You need to translate these to model space coordinates through inverse kinematics, which generates the motion file used by SO, CMC. So you need a proper .trc file and a model with the corresponding virtual markers. Have a look at arm26 folder in C:/OpenSim x/models!


Re: Format for .mot file for marker motion

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:27 am
by malavika
Dear Jim,

I realise my mistake
Thank you for guiding me