What are the main differences between Static Optimization and CMC?
Static optimization (SO) is faster. SO partitions the simulation time at some intervals and evaluates the optimization criterion without considering what is happening before or after (each time step the computations are independent). On the other hand CMC is a dynamic optimization, meaning it takes into account the evolution of the system. CMC solves the problem as follows: 1) produce a set of muscle inputs, 2) integrate and produce trajectory, 3) compare the trajectory with the desired one and 4) adjust the muscle inputs based on the tracking controller.
In what scenarios would using one be better than the other?
You should consider simulation time. CMC can be more accurate, in sense that it can better reproduce the activation patterns. During SO you can choose if you want to approximate the muscle behavior (fast target) or use a better approximation. Also SO, does not consider activation dynamics (delay), because it solves the problem independently (no memory). There is not answer to your question it depends on your problem, but I would go first with SO.
See (Anderson, F. C., Pandy, M. G., "Static and dynamic optimization solutions for gait are practically equivalent", Journal of Biomechanics, 2001)
In which tool can we import EMG?
What you can do if you have your EMG data is to further constraint the muscle activations that are computed by the optimization, because either way you need to solve a redundant problem. I think that you can't constraint SO, but you can apply activation constraints during CMC. So in your case, you probably need to use CMC.
http://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:80 ... d+with+CMC
http://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:80 ... d+with+CMC