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Turn off text to screen during API calls to Inverse Dynamics

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:53 am
by wkthompson
I am trying to suppress all text output to the screen when running ID from the Matlab API. I have tried using the getVerboseLevel/setVerboseLevel methods as in the following code, but it does not work. Can anyone help identify what I might be doing wrong? --Thanks, Bill

%API calls to run ID from Matlab
import org.opensim.modeling.*
idTool = InverseDynamicsTool(IDSetup_File);
IDModel = Model(Model_File);

%only process 1 frame of data each iteration for efficiency

%Suppress output text to screen during ID

Re: Turn off text to screen during API calls to Inverse Dynamics

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:10 am
by tkuchida
What version of OpenSim are you using? I don't see anything displayed in the MATLAB Command Window with the Tools in OpenSim 4.0. Regardless, have you tried MATLAB's "evalc()" function?

Re: Turn off text to screen during API calls to Inverse Dynamics

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:01 am
by wkthompson
Thanks, Tom, evalc() works, but I am not seeing much improvement in speed in my optimizer code. So i will look for other ways to speed things up.

Re: Turn off text to screen during API calls to Inverse Dynamics

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 7:08 pm
by tkuchida
evalc() works, but I am not seeing much improvement in speed in my optimizer code.
Printing to the MATLAB Command Window is not likely to be taking much time (unless you're printing a lot of text). Also note that eval() has some overhead (see ... ation.html). If you're trying to improve the speed of your optimization code, you might check things like the following:
- avoid unnecessary calls to initSystem() (if possible, create the underlying System once and pass the State around)
- avoid unnecessarily creating and destroying OpenSim objects (e.g., within the objective function)

You might try using MATLAB's tic/toc functions to track down the most expensive lines of code.