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FAQ Marker Set and Force Platform Data

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:57 pm
by kernozek
We do mostly human movement work and find it hard to utilize opensim without further details regarding the format of the motion capture and force platform data.

After looking into your *.trc files in the gait model, we are wondering if all markers in this model must be tracked? Can one modify this im opensim to look at the pelvis and limbs only to modify the lower extremity?

Also, what about force platform data? What is the format? It appears to be time stamp, XYZ forces, XYZ center of pressure? and XYZ moments. How is the structure different with more or less plates?

RE: FAQ Marker Set and Force Platform Data

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:54 pm
by aymanh

On the weights tab of the IK tool you can disable whatever markers that you do not want to track.

Force data is imported through the motion file input for IK and is carried over to IK output motion for later usage.

Hope that helps,

RE: FAQ Marker Set and Force Platform Data

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:08 am
by danielleib
Hi Thomas,

Do you use Vicon mocap software? If so, there's a plugin available to export the forces to a .mot file that simplifies the process. It seems to work well for us. Not sure about more than 2 plates, but 1 plate generates the same format with 9 less columns.

Have a good one,
