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ScaleTool API execution and outputs

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:20 am
by julian_atkinson
Hi all

I have been struggling with the scaleTool API for some time now. I am writing this post to both help others that have struggled with the scaleTool API, and to ask a few more questions. I have managed to now get it running with the help of the following forums:

Help with execution -

Help with the setup -

Setup, execution and specifically for problems with the time range -

My next question is about the output paths:

When executing the following code:


It does not allow you to dictate where your scaled model output should be. It is automatically placed in subject_path. Is there a way of changing this?

(Extra key words for those that search the forums: matlab, scale, TimeArray, TimeRange, script(script=='/'))


Re: ScaleTool API execution and outputs

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:15 pm
by tkuchida
It does not allow you to dictate where your scaled model output should be. It is automatically placed in subject_path. Is there a way of changing this?
You should be able to do this by providing the path plus filename in the _outputModelFileName property, using the ModelScaler::setOutputModelFileName() method ( ... caler.html).