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EMG Data processing for force validation

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:51 am
by cm353
I am using 4th Grand Challenge data for my research.
I have some question of using the EMG Data to validate the calculated Muscle Forces of an inverse dynamics model. Which processing I have to perform to use the data to calculate an activation signal out of the EMG raw data? Do you know recommended matlab functions for this?
Thank you

Re: EMG Data processing for force validation

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:04 pm
by tkuchida
I'm unfamiliar with the data set you mentioned, but Arnold et al. describe their method for processing EMG in the following paper:

Arnold, E.M., Hamner, S.R., Seth, A., Millard, M., Delp, S.L. How muscle fiber lengths and velocities affect muscle force generation as humans walk and run at different speeds. Journal of Experimental Biology 216:2150–2160. ... ld2013.pdf (page 2152, "Experimental data" section, paragraph 2).