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Analyze Tool Exception

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:25 am
by ppuchaud

I'm trying to launch the analyze tool from Matlab on a new model I built. I only want to compute the moment arm from an inverse kinematic file "_ik.mot".
So i wrote the following xml file :

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OpenSimDocument Version="3000">
   <AnalyzeTool name="SA06BM_T0S_R1_model_final">
      <AnalysisSet name="Analyses">
            <MuscleAnalysis name="MuscleAnalysis">
      <ControllerSet name="Controllers">
Here is what I get in the matlab command window:

Code: Select all

AbstractTool SA06BM_T0S_R1_model_final loading model 'D:\2017-Stage-PUCHAUDPierre\Manips\Data_ID_Copie\SA06BM_T0S_R1\modele\SA06BM_T0S_R1_model_final.osim' 
Loaded model SA06BM_T0S_R1_scaled from file D:\2017-Stage-PUCHAUDPierre\Manips\Data_ID_Copie\SA06BM_T0S_R1\modele\SA06BM_T0S_R1_model_final.osim 
 ControlSetController::connectToModel(): no Control Set Specified 
Loaded library 
No external loads will be applied (external loads file not specified). 
 ControlSetController::connectToModel(): no Control Set Specified 
Exception in analyze: ModelComponent::getModel(): component does not belong to a model. 
I don't understand what kind of component does not belong to my model ?

Plus, when i simply try to run the analyze tool in OpenSim, I don't get any value in the sto file.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Best regards,


Re: Analyze Tool Exception

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:50 am
by julian_atkinson
Hi There

You need a controls file. The controls file is a CMC result file.

Check out the "How to use" page: ... lysis+Tool

I hope this helps.

Re: Analyze Tool Exception

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:05 am
by ppuchaud
Hello Julian,

Thank you for your reply.

I saw it in the Tutorial page that they use a CMC result to compute special features. Since I don't have any force plates involved in my trial, I can't perform CMC. Moreover, I think moment arms are more or less a geometrical problem so inverse kinematic data should be enough to compute it, Am I right ?

Best regards,


Re: Analyze Tool Exception

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:51 am
by ppuchaud
I've found my mistake to run the analyze tool.

I finally added external forces .mot and runned inverse dynamics.

Plus, I removed this part of the .xml setup file of analyze.

Code: Select all

<ControllerSet name="Controllers">
Best regards,