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Scaling Gait2392

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 7:40 am
by mgcarrilho

I want to scale the model gait 2392. I have data for limb lenght and joint widths, however I have data for less markers than the given with the model. My ideia is to calculate a scale factor, but I don't have the measures for Gait2392. Is it available somewhere, or there is any way to obtain it?

If someone has any sugestion o do the scalling in otherr way, lease be free to tell me.

Best Regards,

Re: Scaling Gait2392

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:55 pm
by tkuchida
I don't have the measures for Gait2392. Is it available somewhere, or there is any way to obtain it?
The gait2392 model is described on the "Gait 2392 and 2354 Models" page in the Confluence documentation: ... 354+Models. You may find the data you seek in the publications cited on that page.

Some dimensions can be extracted directly from the model file. For example, the origin of the tibia_r body is located at the knee and the ankle_r joint is located at (0,-0.43,0) in the tibia_r frame. If you are still unable to find the dimensions you require, one strategy could be to add two markers to Ground, adjust their locations in the GUI (e.g., place one at either end of a body), and compute the distance between them from their coordinates.

Re: Scaling Gait2392

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:12 am
by rh.hela
My ideia is to calculate a scale factor, but I don't have the measures for Gait2392.

Can you please tel me how to calculate scale factors? thank you

Re: Scaling Gait2392

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:45 am
by jimmy
Hi, Hela-

Please read the Scaling section of the OpenSim Wiki. There is a section on defining scale factors.