I'm trying to build a controller. I'm using xml, so from the XML browser, I took this example:
Code: Select all
<!--Flag (true or false) indicating whether or not the controller is disabled.-->
<!--The list of model actuators that this controller will control.The keyword ALL indicates the controller will controll all the acuators in the model-->
<!--Functions (one per control) describing the controls for actuatorsspecified for this controller.-->
<FunctionSet name="ControlFunctions">
<objects />
<groups />
<!--Controls storage (.sto) file containing controls for individual actuators in the model. Column labels must match actuator names.-->
<!--Interpolate the controls file data using piecewise: '0-constant', '1-linear', '3-cubic' or '5-quintic' functions.-->
Code: Select all
<!--Flag (true or false) indicating whether or not the controller is disabled.-->
<!--The list of model actuators that this controller will control.The keyword ALL indicates the controller will controll all the acuators in the model-->
<!--Controls storage (.sto) file containing controls for individual actuators in the model. Column labels must match actuator names.-->
<!--Interpolate the controls file data using piecewise: '0-constant', '1-linear', '3-cubic' or '5-quintic' functions.-->
My problem is when I open the model in OpenSim GUI I got a message:
I already tried with other .sto files from OpenSim example models in order to check if the problem was from my file, but the same message was presented.Could not construct a model from C:\Users\Robotics\Desktop\THE ONE\torque1.osim. Possible reasons: syntax error or unsupported format.
Details: Storage: ERROR- failed to open file controls.sto
Any idea?
Thank you,