the simulated joint moment

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qin geyu
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the simulated joint moment

Post by qin geyu » Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:11 am

Using the plot tool of Opensim1.5.5 and opensim3.3 to draw out the sum of moment about all the muscles actuators about the right knee.the result of Opensim1.5.5 is -3 ~ 4, the result of Opensim3.3 is -43 ~ 56, and the model and movement are exactly the same, The results should have been the same. So where the problem lies? are they different dimensions? or what is the other reason?
And is the simulated joint moment the sum of the moments generated by the muscle actuator and the moment generated by the Opensim ID analysis, or one of them, specifically, which one?
Very much need your help ,thank you!

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jimmy d
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Re: the simulated joint moment

Post by jimmy d » Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:59 am

The results should have been the same.
Why would they be the same? There have been hundreds of thousands of lines of code written between these versions, there may have been bugs in early versions, there may have been changes in how the tools are used, there may have been changes in definitions, and there is no telling how you have generated these two models or simulations. The most likely reason is that the way you interact with the tools is different and you have not performed the two simulations in the same way.
And is the simulated joint moment the sum of the moments generated by the muscle actuator and the moment generated by the Opensim ID analysis, or one of them, specifically, which one?
This doesn't make any sense. You haven't even given a description of the type analysis you are doing. Please carefully read the documentation for Inverse Dynamics, Static Optimization, and CMC