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lumber spine project source code file problem

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:50 am
by yujin_429
Hi, I am trying to use the source code of the lumber spine project.

however, there is a problem with the source code.
the file looks like below.
Tx-? Example/UX 굸nN ?N? PK x-? Example/.DS_StoreUX o?N뺂oN? ?;?Dg?K4.)? n`E??W좚???RP%굖믳V?iO 萌?€ 햴3>믖꽡6??B?c췺?B?2?뀸ts?:vc2]?7런_?앲L불袴C?>??꿟〓W?콥pp余?a5!~뗣u??칥凝놏K@?뀱nl?棚??OPKj 늤? PK
Wx-? __MACOSX/Example/UX ?N?N? PK x-? __MACOSX/Example/._.DS_StoreUX o?N뺂oN? c`cg`b`?LV?V늁€?'?껟A L PK職?( R PK 폗,? Example/pts_L1.txtUX 뾫N?nN? 꿠?\7]'_Ax웈"??(Zt霧?4q錫뗽})땾?琉YM>弓C~璃쵠吳上y策륜晤_옚?쟎뢯?夫心3?劃??=熺翰????wt?읈?말쳉]W?헟!.^>?>?&矣:r??곙*M?[?m?Z롢?△땰X⑿@CCh됐D?x멞\??kb`용刊??%P?D>짿뿁삢FO5'뫢????헧삹뇓\EWQ?E*?4∇v밬 'gx먼 ^C?맫?%?B홋8쪷단1?H5즒2S?>?()?<8
anybody can help me???

Re: lumber spine project source code file problem

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:44 pm
by tkuchida
the file looks like below.
With which file are you having difficulty? There appear to be several links on the Downloads page as well as an SVN repository.

Re: lumber spine project source code file problem

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:18 pm
by yujin_429
Oh, It is below the "Editing .vtp Geometry Files" section.
the source code of "Example to Try".

Re: lumber spine project source code file problem

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:22 pm
by tkuchida
Thanks for clarifying. Two things:
1. Make sure you left-click the download link; I've had problems in the past with right-clicking and selecting "Save Link As…".
2. The file downloads as Example to Try.osim but it's actually a .zip file. The extension should be changed to .zip. I was able to unzip the contents without issue.

Thanks for pointing this out; I will file a bug report.

Re: lumber spine project source code file problem

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:34 pm
by yujin_429
Thank you so much!
It was really helpful!;)