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Muscle-tendon length data from simulations

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:46 pm
by danielleib
Good afternoon again,

I was looking through the data that's output from a forward dynamics simulation as done by the walking demo, but it doesn't seem to allow for the plotting of muscle-tendon complex length over time from the simulation. Is there a quick and easy way to calculate this value and display it in the plot tool?



RE: Muscle-tendon length data from simulation

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:50 pm
by aymanh
Dear Dan,

You can plot muscle-tendon length for muscles in the current model during any motion (doesn't have to be a simulation) in the plot tool by picking
- muscle-tendon length for Y-Quantity,
- the motion of interest in the X-Quantity
- select the muscles you care about and hit "Add".

Hope this helps,

RE: Muscle-tendon length data from simulation

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:12 pm
by danielleib
Hi Dr. Habib,

While those plots are certainly useful, one value that I'm interested in is muscle length during certain points in a movement cycle, such as a stride or a full revolution in pedaling. Normalizing it myself is no problem, but which values in the output files would I use to do this?

