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Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:26 am
by afstuderen323
we make a presentation of the shoulder's biomechanic movement. we want to show the skeleton moving the arm into abduction. for creating this animation with opensim we need a complete body with both arms, shoulder blade and collarbone including all muscles.
we can't find the figure and aren't that familiar with the program.
best regards, tina & carla

RE: shoulder

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:37 am
by afstuderen323
ok, we've found the upper limb model. it's awesome.
now we're getting complicated. is it possible to get this model with a spinal column?

and the second question is, if there is a possibility to let the model move in several joints at the same time?

best regards

RE: shoulder

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:16 pm
by lhycarrie
1. click the movie icon
2. save the movie into your file
3. change "shoulder_elv" under "corrdinates" (you can see the skeleton model is moving for abduction)
4. click the movie icon again


RE: shoulder

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:28 pm
by danielleib
Hi Kristina,

Attaching the arm to the body is doable; have you taken a look at the XML document that is the .OSIM file? You could edit that to join the arm with the legs/HAT used in the gait demo files. That's on my list of things to put together if it isn't already in the works by the main team - when's your presentation? I might be able to bump that up the list if it's coming up quickly.

As for the motion; it'd be easiest to collect some kinematic data with a Vicon or Motion Analysis system and simply drive the model with that. You could also build an artificial motion file that simply moves a few markers in an arc; while this wouldn't be experimentally valid, if you're just going for a visual this would work. Of course, if there's an easier way I'm missing, by all means use that :)

If there's not an easier way and you don't have access to a mocap setup, shoot me an email with the movements you need (I'm assuming it's just a couple simple shoulder/elbow movements) and I'll send you a .trc file. I've got a good bit of time this week until Friday, wouldn't mind taking a 10 minute break from my thesis to throw one together.

Have a good one,
