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Rajagopal model hip improper placement?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:14 pm
by kbsmale

I've been working with the Rajagopal model and it appears as if the femoral head is dislocated from the acetabulum (see attached *_original image). When taking the location in parent from other OpenSim models that use the Delp model as a base such as Gait1018, the hip appears to be in the correct location (see attached *_altered image). Is this a known issue for the Rajagopal model or is there a specific reason to have this apparent disconnect between the femur and pelvis?


Re: Rajagopal model hip improper placement?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:40 am
by kbsmale
To anyone wondering, this has issue has been resolved. Along with the Rajagopal model download, it comes with a Geometry folder that you need to direct the OS GUI to instead of the default folder.