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Experimental markers not visible

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:30 am
by 00ocai
I've followed the gait2354 tutorial and have started scaling a fullbody model with my own motion capture data. However, the experimental markers have not been visible with either of these attempts. Is there an obvious reason why this may be happening?

Re: Experimental markers not visible

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:10 pm
by tkuchida
There might be some helpful information in the "Best Practices and Troubleshooting" section of the "Getting Started with Scaling" page in the Confluence documentation: ... leshooting.

Re: Experimental markers not visible

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:51 pm
by ajf130
I've had the same problem but have not found a solution. However, I believe the scaling and adjustment of the markers is still working as it should. If I run the scale tool with the "no marker movement" checkbox checked the model markers remain where they. If I run it without the checkbox checked the (unfixed) markers shown have moved to positions that reflect the positions of my experimental markers. This would imply that the scale tool is simply just not displaying the experimental markers.
It is inconvenient but I do not believe it is stopping me progressing with my analysis.

Re: Experimental markers not visible

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:14 pm
by tkuchida
If I run it without the checkbox checked the (unfixed) markers shown have moved to positions that reflect the positions of my experimental markers. This would imply that the scale tool is simply just not displaying the experimental markers.
Are the experimental and model marker spheres of equal radius? If so, perhaps they are just coincident?

Re: Experimental markers not visible

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:06 am
by 00ocai
I've had similar results as Anthony. In the messages window I can see marker error values have a total RMS error of 0.05 and max error of 0.15. Even if the marker spheres are of equal radius, this much difference between marker locations should result in clearly identifiable experimental and virtual markers in the GUI. Are there any other possible reasons why markers are not displayed?

Re: Experimental markers not visible

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:11 pm
by ajf130
Hi Cai,
I have since found out how to display the experimental markers. After you have run the scale tool, in the navigator window "static pose" should appear under "Motions" of the newly scaled model. If you right click on "static pose" you should see "Associate Motion Data" which will allow you to select the trc file for the static pose. The experimental markers should then show up on the scaled model.

Re: Experimental markers not visible

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:51 am
by 00ocai
Brilliant, It worked! Thanks for reposting the tips Anthony :D