where is the extensive libiary of actuators and controlleers?

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bao wendy
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where is the extensive libiary of actuators and controlleers?

Post by bao wendy » Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:39 pm

I'm a new learner and I need some help!
the introductory examples"simulation-based designe to reduce metabolic cost",part4:model building,says:"the opensim software plstform has an extensive library of actuators and controllers",where are they?how can I use them to build a model?
The same as intermediate examples"example-model editing",how can we make the file "bucket.vtp" ,or is there already have such library in OpenSim?
I want to know how many libraries there is in OpenSim , where they are and how to use them. :D :D :D

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jimmy d
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Re: where is the extensive libiary of actuators and controlleers?

Post by jimmy d » Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:55 pm

The documentation for the API is here; https://simtk.org/api_docs/opensim/api_docs/

There is also a guide to using the API documentation on the OpenSim WIki; https://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:8 ... ng+Doxygen

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bao wendy
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Re: where is the extensive libiary of actuators and controlleers?

Post by bao wendy » Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:12 pm

Thank you so much for helping me! I'm reading and get my answer. :D :D

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huang shen
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Re: where is the extensive libiary of actuators and controlleers?

Post by huang shen » Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:55 am

Hello, I see you are also learning opensim, if you want to add models to opensim, you can use other three-dimensional software to draw well, then export a opensim like file, extract the location of the related objects, the center of gravity and other data, add to the.Osim file, and finally can open the compound model in opensim. I am also a beginner. This is what I saw recently. I hope it will help you.