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Need help calculating total fiber-force given muscle-tendon length

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 1:07 pm
by bbolen
I am a mechanical engineering grad student working on a project to build a bipedal robot with pneumatic artificial muscles. I wrote the location of attachment points from GaitModel2392 and placed them in Matlab. With this information I've been able to find the total muscle-tendon lengths and confirm they match what is found in OpenSim. I now need to calculate the total fiber-force (and later on I'll need to find the moment and torque). Given the muscle specific properties of total muscle-tendon length (length), max isometric force (mif), optimal fiber length (ofl), tendon slack length (tsl), and pennation angle at optimal, along with the other properties like FMaxMuscleStrain, how can I compute total fiber force?

I've read the muscle theory pages on the OpenSim site, and the Thelen 2003 paper. Still unclear on how that differential equation is used to calculate total fiber-force, and which Thelen variables correspond to which OpenSim variables. An equation for total fiber force (and moment), along with a concrete example, would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Need help calculating total fiber-force given muscle-tendon length

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 2:19 pm
by jimmy
There are details on the Wiki Page.

You can get access to the muscle parameters and values through the API documentation.

You can get a better feel for the muscle calculations by going through the Tug-of-war example.

You can also go through the source code to see the Thelen or Millard muscle code.

Re: Need help calculating total fiber-force given muscle-tendon length

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 5:31 pm
by bbolen
Like I said in the previous post: I've already looked at the Wiki and it wasn't very helpful. I've also looked at the source code but am not really experienced enough in C++ or Arduino to really understand what the program is doing. It is unclear what variables like excitation, activation, and velocity have to do with finding the force in a static muscle.

I'm hoping someone in the forum can explain to me, in plain English and using examples, how to calculate force and moment given the known variables listed in the original post above.

Re: Need help calculating total fiber-force given muscle-tendon length

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 5:59 pm
by jimmy

Re: Need help calculating total fiber-force given muscle-tendon length

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:44 pm
by bbolen

Thank you for your help. After I read these papers I was able to accomplish the things I needed to do.
