Scale tool can't deal with .trc files where time doesn't start at 0
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:10 am
I had this very frustrating problem, where the scale tool would throw an exception in the IK stage.
After quite some prodding, I found that the problem came from the fact that the Time data in the .trc did not start at 0. Changing the time column in the .trc file to one that started at 0 solved the problem. I don't think "starting at time 0" is a requirement for the .trc format, but the it's hard to find really detailed documentation for it.
Putting this out here in case somebody else runs into a similar problem.
After quite some prodding, I found that the problem came from the fact that the Time data in the .trc did not start at 0. Changing the time column in the .trc file to one that started at 0 solved the problem. I don't think "starting at time 0" is a requirement for the .trc format, but the it's hard to find really detailed documentation for it.
Putting this out here in case somebody else runs into a similar problem.
Code: Select all
java.lang.RuntimeException: Time 0.000000 is out of time range [0.005000, 0.005000]
Thrown at TimeSeriesTable.h:276 in getNearestRowIndexForTime().
at org.opensim.modeling.opensimActuatorsAnalysesToolsJNI.OpenSimContext_processModelMarkerPlacer__SWIG_0(Native Method)
at org.opensim.modeling.OpenSimContext.processModelMarkerPlacer(
at org.opensim.tracking.ScaleToolModel$ScaleToolWorker.construct(
at org.opensim.swingui.SwingWorker$
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