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Prescribed Force

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:31 pm
by karishma94

I read the documentation about prescribed force. I want a clarification about the function:

void OpenSim::PrescribedForce::setPointFunctions ( Function * pointX,
Function * pointY,
Function * pointZ

My models ground body is pelvis.I am applying a prescribed force to the scapula. I have set the body to which the force is applied as scapula. The coordinates mentioned above should it be with respect to the ground body or the body to which the force is applied? Please help me out.

Re: Prescribed Force

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:53 pm
by tkuchida
The coordinates mentioned above should it be with respect to the ground body or the body to which the force is applied?
Can be either; default is the body frame. See the pointIsGlobal property (in the "Property declarations" section here: ... Force.html).

Re: Prescribed Force

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:50 pm
by karishma94
Thank you so much. Could you also give me some more clarity on the SetForceIsInGlobalFrame? And does setting it as 0 make the force with respect to body frame?

Another doubt:
I would also like to know if I can carry out to forward dynamic simulations at the same time? I have 2 subjects with different external forces acting on them. I put one on simulation and then the next. Would one simulation affect the other?