Forward Dynamic _result error

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Rahul Agrawal
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:16 pm

Forward Dynamic _result error

Post by Rahul Agrawal » Thu Jun 28, 2018 6:47 am

Hello Everyone,

I have created a shoulder model having path spring (i.e. Ligament) attached to the shoulder. I am using prescribed function to move the joint by running the forward dynamics. Simulation runs for the defined time period (i.e. 4 sec) without any error, but the body segment attached to the joint gets disappear during simulation.

When I load the motion using .mot generated by FD tool the run time of simulation is only 0.01 sec.
When I saw the .mot file the results looks as below

time r_shoulder_angle r_shoulder_angle_u
0 0 0.1
0.01 -1.#IND0000 -1.#IND0000
0.06 -1.#IND0000 -1.#IND0000
0.31 -1.#IND0000 -1.#IND0000
1.31 -1.#IND0000 -1.#IND0000
2.31 -1.#IND0000 -1.#IND0000
3.31 -1.#IND0000 -1.#IND0000
4 -1.#IND0000 -1.#IND0000

Anyone know what is happening to the simulation?


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jimmy d
Posts: 1375
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:51 pm

Re: Forward Dynamic _result error

Post by jimmy d » Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:46 am

Your model is incorrectly defined and/or the prescribed function is wrong. It is hard to say without seeing the model. If you post your model and files then people on the forum could give you better feedback.