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Clamping Values

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:25 am
by cscott
Hello all,

I'm having some issues when clamping coordinates. When I'm running forward dynamics, the coordinates don't stay clamped and I was wondering how I would fix this.

Re: Clamping Values

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 10:42 am
by aymanh

Coordinate clamping is only enforced when doing Inverse Kinmetics (IK) to help the solver limit the search space to meaningful configurations (and in GUI). In forward dynamics, there're no clamps or limits enforced on coordinates since physically that requires forces that are not part of your model. There're modeling objects that can give you limits and account for forces used to enforce these limits (e.g. CoordinateLimitForce) but you'll have to add them to your model on your own.

Hope this helps,