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wired finger postures - wrong coordinate system?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:58 am
by wernersim
Hi everybody

I have c3d files from a data-glove and for now I just want to animate the data on a model. I converted c3d to trc with c3d2OpenSim by Felipe Costa Alvim. To show you my problem i will use only 4 markers of the data glove. I t seems that there is a problem with the coordinates (see picture 1) using the inverse kinematics tool - i just get some wired finger positions (only one marker - picture 2). Maybe i have to change x,y, or z?

Thank you for any advice!


Re: wired finger postures - wrong coordinate system?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:31 am
by aymanh
Hi Werner,

I'd start by previewing the trc file after conversion (using File -> Preview Experimental Data). I'd also overlay the model over the data to see if there are values for the coordinates in your model that matches the data to model markers). This should point you in the right direction since there're too many unknowns about your preprocessing and your model.

Hope this helps,