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RRA - Effects of mass adjustments on the residuals

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:50 am
by rodmateus

I have a doubt about the effect that the mass adjustments we make during the RRA passages have on the residuals, what is the expected evolution of the residuals and reserves? Because I think I have an error but I do not know it for sure.
The images below are the comparison between the pelvis rotation residual in the first passage of RRA (_1), the fifteenth (_15) and after performing ID (_ID), followed by the same comparison but for the lumbar extension reserve and the Fx residual. I am analyzing a sudden stop movement with one leg.
MYrra.png (21.7 KiB) Viewed 304 times
LumbarRRA.png (15.53 KiB) Viewed 304 times
FxRRA.png (18.33 KiB) Viewed 304 times
I need an opinion about these results, if they are correct, or if not, what should I do to improve them!

Thank you in advance!

Rodrigo Mateus

Re: RRA - Effects of mass adjustments on the residuals

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:03 am
by jimmy
Have you tried using an RRA optimization? There is a public project here with code you could use;

Re: RRA - Effects of mass adjustments on the residuals

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:20 am
by rodmateus
No, I haven't, I will try.
I just do not understand one thing. After performing this optimization, which would give me the optimal tracking weights, do I still have to make the mass adjustments and do the perform RRA again?
