Static Optimization during a squat jump
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:20 am
Good morning.
I'm doing an analysis on a squat jump (countermovement).
I did scaling, IK, RRA, ID and CMC and now performing SO.
I use model 2392 (added 2 DOF at the knee with knee adduction and rotation).
All seems work fine but during SO I have this results
for pelvis
and other DOF...
I went trough whole SO analysis but now if I understand well I should modify model muscle strength right ?
I can find help from the results on how much to increase it ?
Thank you
I'm doing an analysis on a squat jump (countermovement).
I did scaling, IK, RRA, ID and CMC and now performing SO.
I use model 2392 (added 2 DOF at the knee with knee adduction and rotation).
All seems work fine but during SO I have this results
I did create a reserve actuator for every DOF with this settings:time = 8.771 Performance =2910.08 Constraint violation = 0.000100142
SimTK Exception thrown at InteriorPointOptimizer.cpp:261:
Optimizer failed: Ipopt: Restoration failed (status -2)
StaticOptimization.record: WARN- The optimizer could not find a solution at time = 8.772
The model appears too weak for static optimization.
Try increasing the strength and/or range of the following force(s):
add_mag1_r approaching upper bound of 1
add_mag2_r approaching upper bound of 1
add_mag3_r approaching upper bound of 1
glut_max1_r approaching upper bound of 1
glut_max2_r approaching upper bound of 1
glut_max3_r approaching upper bound of 1
quad_fem_r approaching upper bound of 1
gem_r approaching upper bound of 1
peri_r approaching upper bound of 1
vas_med_r approaching upper bound of 1
vas_int_r approaching upper bound of 1
vas_lat_r approaching upper bound of 1
glut_med3_l approaching upper bound of 1
add_mag1_l approaching upper bound of 1
add_mag2_l approaching upper bound of 1
add_mag3_l approaching upper bound of 1
glut_max1_l approaching upper bound of 1
glut_max2_l approaching upper bound of 1
glut_max3_l approaching upper bound of 1
quad_fem_l approaching upper bound of 1
peri_l approaching upper bound of 1
vas_med_l approaching upper bound of 1
vas_int_l approaching upper bound of 1
vas_lat_l approaching upper bound of 1
ercspn_r approaching upper bound of 1
ercspn_l approaching upper bound of 1
for pelvis
Code: Select all
<PointActuator name="pelvis_tx_reserve">
<!--Flag indicating whether the force is disabled or not. Disabled means that the force is not active in subsequent dynamics realizations.-->
<!--Minimum allowed value for control signal. Used primarily when solving for control values.-->
<!--Maximum allowed value for control signal. Used primarily when solving for control values.-->
<!--Name of Body to which this actuator is applied.-->
<!--Location of application point; in body frame unless point_is_global=true-->
<point>-0.0796693 0 0</point>
<!--Interpret point in Ground frame if true; otherwise, body frame.-->
<!--Force application direction; in body frame unless force_is_global=true.-->
<direction>1 -0 -0</direction>
<!--Interpret direction in Ground frame if true; otherwise, body frame.-->
<!--The maximum force produced by this actuator when fully activated.-->
Code: Select all
<CoordinateActuator name="hip_rotation_r_reserve">
<!--Flag indicating whether the force is disabled or not. Disabled means that the force is not active in subsequent dynamics realizations.-->
<!--Minimum allowed value for control signal. Used primarily when solving for control values.-->
<!--Maximum allowed value for control signal. Used primarily when solving for control values.-->
<!--Name of the generalized coordinate to which the actuator applies.-->
<!--The maximum generalized force produced by this actuator.-->
I can find help from the results on how much to increase it ?
Thank you