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Sharp jumps and fluctuations in the joint torques after inverse dynamics

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 3:59 am
by sharmitadey
Hello everybody,

I have tried to model the gait of a healthy subject(mass 56.5 kgs) in an inclined (10 degree up) pathway. Whereas, the kinematics look pretty OK when compared with the literature, the joint moments have sharp fluctuations and jumps at some points.(Attached figures).Please help if any of you have faced the same problem and if there any possible solution to it/or this is normal.

--Sharmita Dey

Re: Sharp jumps and fluctuations in the joint torques after inverse dynamics

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:17 am
by sharmitadey
I kind of got better results now.I had missed filtering the forces while creating the .trc files.However, I did the filtering during opensim's inverse kinematics and dynamics( tried 6hz, 4hz, 3hz,12hz) before which resulted in the above curves.