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Exporting data from plot

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 3:11 pm
by stalbom
I have a silly question but i still would like to get the answer to it. Somehow i'm not able to save the data from the plot. It always saves it as an empty file. I would like to get values of the change of moment arms of the muscle at different joint angles.
For example i'm trying to save it as hip.sto but it turns out empty.

It feels like I have been missing something very basic but please help me. By the way, i'm not able to "save view as image" either.

Regards Markus

RE: Exporting data from plot

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 3:37 pm
by danielleib
How are you trying to export it? Right click on the plot -> export data has been working for me; is there anything special about the data you're working with? How are you setting up the x and y axes?


RE: Exporting data from plot

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:06 am
by stalbom
This is what I do:
Opening OpenSim -> open model "BothLegs" -> open Plotter -> y-quantity: r_hip_flexion moment arm; muscles: GMAX1, GMAX2, GMAX3; x-quantity: r_hip_flexion -> pressing ADD -> right-click on the graph and press Export Data -> save the file as test.sto -> gives an empty file

I have Windows XP SP2 so it shoulden't something strange with that if it's not due to the Swedish version i'm using.

RE: Exporting data from plot

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:58 am
by fristoker
I have the same problem with my version when I want to export the data (angle position and time) in the plotter. Didn't try with opensim 1.5

RE: Exporting data from plot

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:23 am
by stalbom
I have tried OpenSim 1.5 and it's the same problem.