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Change in the tag name location_in_parent

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:37 am
by masterv

I loaded the gait2392 model from the Resources folder that is available in the OpenSim default installation. After making a few changes in the model in GUI(OpenSim4) I saved the model to a new osim file. It looks very different from the earlier one.
I was interested in finding the tag

Code: Select all

<location_in_parent>-0.005 -0.3645 0</location_in_parent>
for a body. I cannot find them anymore. May I know how to find the location_in_parent tag in the newly generated osim file?


Re: Change in the tag name location_in_parent

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 5:45 pm
by tkuchida
May I know how to find the location_in_parent tag in the newly generated osim file?
In OpenSim 4.0, Joints define the relative motion of two PhysicalFrames; the offset [-0.005, -0.3645, 0] should appear as the translation property of one of the PhysicalFrames. Additional information can be found here:
- Doxygen documentation for Joint ( ... ml#details) and OffsetFrame ( ... ml#details)
- "Frames" section of the API Guide ( ... tml#frames)