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Deprecated WrapLine Function

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:17 am
by brycekillen05
Hi All,

I am attempting to query the path each muscle takes between it's origin and insertion. Looking through the 3.2 API documentation I am able to attain the path points (origin/insertion , any via points and the on/off wrap points). I am trying to find the path the muscle takes wrapping around a cylinder/sphere. Looking at the OpenSim 2.4 API Doxygen page, it seems a function does exist, wrapLine (here : WrapCylinder.wrapLine). However I when querying specific wrapping cylinder (even when safeDownCasting) this function is not listed and when I try to use it, no function is found. Looking into some of the OpenSIm files, It seems this function/action is "private" . Is there anyway I can access this function using the OpenSim 3.3 API through python ? If not, if I installed Opensim 2.4 with Python Binding, would I be able to access it ?

Thanks in advance for any advice

Bryce Killen

Re: Deprecated WrapLine Function

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:55 am
by tkuchida
There are some relevant threads in the Forum (search for "wrapping"). See, for example, topic 7831 (viewtopicPhpbb.php?f=91&t=7831).

Re: Deprecated WrapLine Function

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:26 pm
by brycekillen05
Hi Tom,

Thanks for your reply. I have read these threads previously and going back to them actually answered the question, in fact there is no way through the API to get the points/muscle path while it is wrapping around the surface. You can get each point, ie. fixed origin/insertions , via points and wrap on/off but no way to access the "wrapLine" which would give the muscle path points between the on/off wrapping points.


Re: Deprecated WrapLine Function

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:47 am
by tkuchida
If you really need them, you should be able to fish these points out in C++ (see GeometryPath's PathWrapSet).