JointReaction Anaylsis Reference Frame
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:51 am
I calculated the joint contact forces on the hip, knee, ankle and back joints during an abrupt horizontal deceleration task. I used the gait 2392 musculoskeletal model. I chose the forces to be applied on the child body and to be expressed in the ground reference frame, so that the axis of all the joint forces components were consistent.
However, I would like to know if there is a more complex reason why the ground frame is the default choice in the JointReaction Analysis.
Best regards,
Rodrigo Mateus
I calculated the joint contact forces on the hip, knee, ankle and back joints during an abrupt horizontal deceleration task. I used the gait 2392 musculoskeletal model. I chose the forces to be applied on the child body and to be expressed in the ground reference frame, so that the axis of all the joint forces components were consistent.
However, I would like to know if there is a more complex reason why the ground frame is the default choice in the JointReaction Analysis.
Best regards,
Rodrigo Mateus