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Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:32 am
by lauramda
Hi all,

I'm using osimC3D in MATLAB to read my C3D file and get TRC and MOT files. I would like to know how the COP is computed, since after reading C3DFileAdapter it is already included in the p label and I could not find which equations were used. A FP type 3 was used when collecting data.

I also used MOtoNMS toolbox and in the MOT file, force and moment values are similar to what I get when using osimC3D, but with COP I get quite different results (order of cm and even dm!).


Laura Martin

Re: C3DFileAdapter

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 6:58 pm
by jimmy
I assume you have a Kistler Forceplate? We were only able to test on AMTI and Bertec Forceplates (Type-2 plates), so you shouldn't use the C3DFileAdapter if you are using Type-3.

If you are willing to share some of your C3D files, ones that contain the Type-3 forceplate data, we could add their use to a future release....

Re: C3DFileAdapter

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:17 pm
by jimmy

Re: C3DFileAdapter

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:54 am
by lauramda
Hi James,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, we are using Kistler force plates.

I need to check if I can send you some C3D files (confidentiality and protection issues) and write you an email.

