Opensim ScaleTool Adjust Marker Function cannot read MOtoNMS static.trc file

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kc chung
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Opensim ScaleTool Adjust Marker Function cannot read MOtoNMS static.trc file

Post by kc chung » Sat May 21, 2022 10:40 pm

I am using MOtoNMS Release 2.2.
Ran the static elaboration for Hip Joint Centre and using UMG setup.
Everything seems fine with "elaborated data" The output HJC graph got plotted and received successfully completed and static 1.trc got generated for me to be used on Opensim 4.3.

When I use the Opensim scale tool.
The static 1. trc file when enter into the scale section(middle section of 1st tab - settings) is fine. Opensim scaled the model. The static 1.trc file seems fine.

However, when I enter the same static 1.trc file generated by MOtoNMS in the static elaboration function. Opensim seems to not like it and the scaling got hang up.

I have attached the scale tool screen capture and also the error message detail.
Also included the static1(HJC).trc file generated by MOtoNMS.

Could you please help what I can do to eliminate this issue. Any work around or manual way I can adjust the .trc file.

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