The model appears too weak for static optimization

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Alexander Aasmann
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The model appears too weak for static optimization

Post by Alexander Aasmann » Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:33 pm


I have been trying to use the model to compute the muscle activation of certain movement. i was able to reproduce it with the IK tool, but now when computing the static optimization. I keep receiving the warning, that the model seems weak for SO. I have used other models before and it's the first time i see it. Is it normal when using your Model? SO tool also seem to be taking longer than usual. I assume is because of the high number of muscle cables.
Any ideas how i could speed it up?

thanks a lot!
my best regards,


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Jacob J. Banks
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Re: The model appears too weak for static optimization

Post by Jacob J. Banks » Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:44 pm

What sort of movement are you modeling? Which muscles are maxing?

Unfortunately, in our experience, it is not uncommon for the legs to limit some lifting movements. The leg MTAs are just based off from another OpenSim model (can't recall which), that has primarily been used for gait (so only previously tested during low force movements). As a result, and to just get 'estimations', we have resorted to increasing the max activation of muscles to 5 at times and/or increasing the leg strength by a factor of 2-3 (we have MATLAB API code to do both really fast/efficiently). Another route is to just add torque actuators to leg joints.

Hope this helps, otherwise feel free to send along the IK results and I'll see what I can gather.
Jake Banks

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Jacob J. Banks
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Re: The model appears too weak for static optimization

Post by Jacob J. Banks » Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:48 pm

Oh, suppose I neglected to answer you time/speed question
No, there is no real way to speed up, unless you have faster computer or write some MATLAB parfor code to try to distribute the processing. With >600 MTAs and a lot of DoF, it just takes a long time. In our experience, on a decent PC it takes ~1 hour for ~200 frames of data to solve SOpt.
Jake Banks

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Alexander Aasmann
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Re: The model appears too weak for static optimization

Post by Alexander Aasmann » Thu Apr 21, 2022 1:36 pm


thanks for the fast reply,
I'm analysing the movement of a person balancing on a balance board.
There is quite a long list of muscles maxing out. We are using a different model to analyse leg mucles so that part should be irrelevant, i guess.
I have over 12.000 frames, so it's going to take ages :shock:

my best regards,

Alex Aasmann

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Jacob J. Banks
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Re: The model appears too weak for static optimization

Post by Jacob J. Banks » Thu Apr 21, 2022 1:40 pm

No problem.
Are you not filtering the kinematics prior (at least a 6Hz cutoff)? If not, that could be it (IK needs smoothed otherwise too much acceleration), because some of those muscles shouldn't be maxing out.
Otherwise, are your GRFs in the wrong units? Do you not have GRFs?
Also, add reserve actuators at all joints (see previous posts on how to do that/a MATLAB script to make actuator file).
Jake Banks

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Alexander Aasmann
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Re: The model appears too weak for static optimization

Post by Alexander Aasmann » Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:44 am

I forgot to filter it by 6Hz on the few times i ran it.
I do have a GRF.
i have been having another problem now, i made some changes to the model, in which i put the model on a balacing board. I keep receiving this error "The model appears unsuitable for static optimization.
Try appending the model with additional force(s) or locking joint(s) to reduce the following acceleration constraint violation(s):"
i know it isn't a problem from your model, but if you happen to have any idea of how could solve this, would be very helpful

Thanks a lot,

Alex Aasmann

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Jacob J. Banks
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Re: The model appears too weak for static optimization

Post by Jacob J. Banks » Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:49 am

I'd have to see the 'new model', but my initial guess is that you added a balancing board with a mass of 0. OpenSim does not like bodies with 0 masses (or moment of inertias with 0 masses), as hard to have in the denominator.
If this is not the case, you could try solving for a few 'static' frames. Take frame and repeat it >10 times (OpenSim doesn't like 1 line in a .mot file), save as it's own/new .mot file (and do the same to the corresponding GRF file). Try running that. See if this works.
Jake Banks

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Alexander Aasmann
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Re: The model appears too weak for static optimization

Post by Alexander Aasmann » Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:44 am

it's not very different to the original model , it's just on top of a cylinder with 6 DoF. I just set a parent child depency between the board(parent) and the pelvis(child) and the same was done between the ground and the balance board.
i have the GRF acting on both feet.
The board does have a mass,inertia and Center of mass value.
I don't fully understand your recomendation, can yoou elaborate on that?
if you have any new ideas of how i could solve it, let me know

this the error i get:
The model appears unsuitable for static optimization.
Try appending the model with additional force(s) or locking joint(s) to reduce the following acceleration constraint violation(s):
board_pitch_z: constraint violation = 8.01078e-06

thanks a lot!
Alex Aasmann

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Jacob J. Banks
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Re: The model appears too weak for static optimization

Post by Jacob J. Banks » Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:50 am

Do you have reserve actuators on the board DoFs? I think you may need some and that is your constraint violation. Otherwise OpenSim can't justify having the board in a given position.

I was recommending you take a single time InvKin and GRF frame (say time 0 /frame 1) and repeat that frame (manually editing it in Excel) for 10 frames. Cut/crop all other data (change headers so that the correct number of rows exist in both GRF and IK file). Then run that in SOpt. This would be a Static frame/trial, so you won't get any 'acceleration' violation violations.

In addition, I always suggest running InvDyn on things. Look at where there may be some unexpectedly high moments (particularly with the board DoFs mentioned earlier).

Otherwise, feel free to zip/attach the model, IK, Ext Force, and GRF files. I'll see what I can find out.
Jake Banks

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Alexander Aasmann
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Re: The model appears too weak for static optimization

Post by Alexander Aasmann » Mon Apr 25, 2022 5:16 pm

Even when i added the actuaters, i still keep receiving the same error.
since I'm just a Bachelor student, i had to ask for permission to upload anything.
I'm attaching the new model and part of the IK movement, any input would be great.

thank you.

Alex Aasmann
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