Xml Toolbox problems

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Santiago Berrio
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Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:55 am

Xml Toolbox problems

Post by Santiago Berrio » Mon May 08, 2023 8:03 am

Hello team.

We are currently working on the extraction of the data from .c3d files obtained from Vicon system to implement it into OpenSim. We have been working with the Gait Extraction Toolbox in the latest Matlab version. Although we are able to obtain the corresponding.trc and .mot, when we run the extraction of the xml files, we are getting the same the following error*
The P-code file C:\OpenSim 4.4\c3d2opensim_Tools_public\BtkExtractTool\GaitExtractTool\MatlabUtils\xml_toolbox\xml_formatany.p was
generated prior to MATLAB version 7.5 (R2007b) and is no longer supported. Use pcode to regenerate the file using MATLAB R2007b or later.

We are wondering if any of you have an updated version suitable for newest version of Matlab. Also, any recommendation or suggestions about how to solve this error are appreciated

Do any of you are aware if the problem is solved when using phyton?

Thank you again

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Jacob J. Banks
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Re: Xml Toolbox problems

Post by Jacob J. Banks » Mon May 08, 2023 10:55 am

Sorry, we do and have not used the Gait Extraction Toolbox. So, I don't believe we can help you. We use the standard c3dexport Matlab script that is (or at least used to be) provided as an example with OpenSim.
I would suggest you post something to the general OpenSim Forum, otherwise maybe try the aforementioned c3dexport function (it has worked well for us, and we have Vicon too).
Jake Banks