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Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2024 10:42 am
by matsushita
Hello,I'm trying to analyze lumbar compression force using VICON, but I'm a bit confused about the code in Get_VertLoad.m that was provided.

Final_Comp(i,k-1) = sign*(abs(child_Comp(i,k-1))+ abs(parent_Comp(i,k)))/2;

I'm wondering why we divide by 2 when performing this calculation. I had this question while manually confirming the calculation of lumbar compression force from joint reaction forces, following the provided MATLAB code.
I'd appreciate it if you could enlighten me on this.

If you have any papers or resources related to this, I would appreciate it if you could share them.


Re: Get_VertLoad.m

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:27 pm
by jbanks
We divide by 2 because we are estimating the vertebral and not the joint load. So, we take the average of the superior and inferior joint forces to estimate the vertebral force (what is between the 2 joints).
Jake Banks

Re: Get_VertLoad.m

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2024 9:02 pm
by matsushita
Thanks for your reply.
I have understood the calculation method.
I would like to try various operations using this model.